Butterfly Pea ( Clitoria ternatea ) - The Amazing Ornamental Garden Climber

Butterfly Pea ( Clitoria ternatea ), also known as Bunga Telang, Aparijata, Shankha Pushpi, Anchan, Asian Pigeon Wings, Blue Bell Vine, Blue Pea, Cordofan Pea, Darwin Pea and etc., is an amazing ornamental plant native to tropical equatorial Asia. Being a fast growing perennial climber, it provides quick cover for lattice, trellis, arbor or wire mesh fence. It bears abundant, stunning, bright indigo blue, upside down flowers that bloom in the mornings. Thus, making it great for any garden.  

I would be growing one at my small backyard garden so that it could cover-up the wire mesh fence - to screen off my back neighbour's kitchen ( for more privacy ).

Here are some information which I have gathered from my eldest sister ( who has been planting this plant in her garden for many years ) and on the internet, that could be of help should you, like me, would like to grow one in your garden :-

1) Care And Growing Requirements For A Butterfly Pea Plant

Butterfly Pea prefer to grow under full sun but it will tolerate light shade. Though it is a very drought tolerant plant, it should be watered regularly ( but not over-watered ) for better growths. 

This plant does well in poor soil and does not need any fertilization. ( In fact, it is known to condition the poor soil and make it more fertile. Being a member of the legume family, it has root nodules that contain rhizobium, a fungus that converts atmosphere nitrogen into usable nitrates in the soil. )

It should be pinched regularly to induce its bushiness

In order to get its seeds, flowers should be left to mature on the plant. Let them drop off naturally so that elongated pea pods will develop. A pea pod will have many tiny seeds in it. Once mature, the pod and the seeds within will dry and could thereafter, be harvested and kept for future germination use. ( If left on the plant, the pod will split open, dispersing the tiny black seeds from within. The outer skin of the empty pea pod will curl when split. )

In colder regions of the world, Butterfly Pea may still be grown but as an annual plant

As it is a fast grower , it would normally flower after a month or so from the day it germinates. 

2) Growing Butterfly Pea Plants from Seeds

The seeds of the Butterfly Pea should be nicked or filed, then soaked overnight in room temperature water before sowing. They can be sown directly in the garden.

For colder regions, start sowing in the greenhouse or indoor at least 6 - 8 weeks or more before the warm weather arrives, maintaining a temperature within the growing medium of 70°-75° F.

Germination would take around 2 to 4 weeks.

Happy growing and wish you success!

Upcoming related blog post : Butterfly Pea ( Clitoria ternatea ) - The Amazing Herb

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